How to Install SSL Certificate 

An SSL certificate is a text file that comes with the encrypted data that installed by the users on the server.  It helps to offer the secure and sensitive communications from the server between your site and customers that you have downloaded for your SSL Certificate in your GigiCert account which is required to create by the users to create the certification.

Install SSL Certificate Easily ?

It allows web servers to encrypt their traffic and it also offers a mechanism to validate server identities to their visitors. If you want to know the benefits of using a purchased SSL certificate from a trusted CA that over self-signed certificates. It can be your site's visitors that will not be presented with a scary warning that is not possible for being able to verify your site's identity. It helps in all respects like Register the domain name, Domain validation rights, Money saving, web server and much more.

Having got to know its several benefits if you are having numerous issues and unable to install SSL mail server, you can follow the ways on how to install SSL certificate easily.

  • Go to the computer device and go to the command to check out the Host with the dedicated IP address.
  • If you want to provide the best SSL security certificate you need to enter the correct IP address for the website to access soon.
  • You can go to the SSL website where you can buy a certificate that helps to activate and install the certificate.

You can update your certificate to not interrupt the issues in the future, however, if there is an error you can visit tech support center which is available at all the time to offer solution easily.

What is SSL Certificate & Use of SSL Certificates

SSL is Secure Sockets Layer. It is a form of security for sites which ensures the safety of the sensitive information such as customer name, phone numbers, addresses and credit card numbers. SSL certificates are mandatory for the sites which sell goods or services as SSL makes sure that all the information which pass through Secure Sockets Layer stay private and secure.
SSL certificates are digital certificates that establish a secure, encrypted communications between a website and an internet browser or more technically an SSL certificate is a small data file which makes a digital combination of cryptographic keys with the data that needs to be transferred between website and an internet browser.
The practical examples of use of SSL Certificate is in making credits card transactions safe and secure, securing data transfer and logins, and now many organizations are using SSL Certificates to make their account secure. 
In short, SSL certificate binds together:

  • A domain name, server name or host name.
  • Company name and location

A website with SSL Certificate when establishes a connection then it shows “https” instead of http, i.e. hyper text transfer protocol is secured if “s” is appended with “http”.

Following are the benefits and use of SSL Certificate:

Offers Added Brand Power: Organizations which provide SSL Certificates often offer site seals and other icons or images that makes a website secure and thus enhancing the trust of website users.
Improves Customers’ trust: A secure transaction and data transfer brings mental peace to the customer and makes them believe in system and thus leads to add more customers and ensures a positive buying experience. 
Business Future Proofing:With more threats and attacks on websites, organizations need an improved version of secured connection and in order to make connection more secure SSL Certificates play a major role as these encrypt the sensitive data with encryption keys. 
Guards Against Phishing:  Phishing emails are fraudulent emails which are sent to the users by frauds, they purport as if they belong to reputed organization and provoke the receiver to reveal the sensitive information like credit card number, bank account details. However the people who build these phishing websites avoid to use SSL Certificates as this can lead to track of their activity and may pose trouble for them.
With so much security for sensitive information, SSL has become so popular and now is being used by organizations to keep the information secure.

How to Upgrade SSL Certificate ?

If you are a website owner, then it’s your responsibility to keep your customer’s or visitor’s transactions or any other information safe from any kind of hacks. In order to fulfil this condition, SSL certificate plays important roles. If you have already setup SSL certificate in your website, then it is also very important to update them from time to time. The process of updating SSL certificate is very easy. But if you are doing it for the first time, then follow the mentioned steps:

  • First of all, you need to go to the SSL certificate provider that you are recently using.
  • Now login to your account by using the login credentials.
  • Find your SSL certificate available in any section and it is mostly depends on you that from where you have purchased the SSL certificate.
  • After that, pick a bet plan or find the update or renew the option to upgrade your SSL certificate.

After applying the above-described steps, you can easily update your SSL certificate